Center for Quantum Dynamics Colloquium
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Center for Quantum Dynamics Colloquium in Agenda"A Mott insulator of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice" Henning Moritz (ETH Zuerich)Wednesday, 15.10.2008 at 17:30 o'clock Gemeinsames Kolloquium mit der IMPRS-Quantum Dynamics Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Third quantization: a general approach to solutions of master equations for open quantum many body systems" Tomas Prosen (University of Ljubljana)Wednesday, 22.10.2008 at 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Observation of the coupling between two single Rydberg atoms" Antoine Browaeys (Institute of Optics, Paris)Wednesday, 29.10.2008 at 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Ultracold atoms interacting with solid-state micro- and nanostructures: towards hybrid quantum systems" Philipp Treutlein (Ludwig-Maximilian Universitaet Muenchen)Wednesday, 05.11.2008 at 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Strong correlations in optical lattices" Walter Hofstetter (Universitaet Frankfurt)Wednesday, 12.11.2008 at 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Anderson localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate" Giovanni Modugno (University of Florence)Wednesday, 19.11.2008 at 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Exact thermodynamics on an atom chip" N.J. van Druten (University of Amsterdam)Wednesday, 26.11.2008 at 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Generation and time-resolved reconstruction of cavity field quantum states " Igor Dotsenko (ENS Paris)Wednesday, 03.12.2008 at 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Localizing Energy Through Nonlinearity and Discreteness" Sergej Flach (MPIPKS Dresden)Wednesday, 10.12.2008 at 17:30 o'clock Gemeinsames Kolloquium mit der IMPRS-Quantum Dynamics Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Creation and control of atomic entanglement by means of optical cavities" Denis Gonta (University of Heidelberg)Wednesday, 10.12.2008 at 17:30 o'clock Pretalk Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Controlling Coherent Processes by Phase-Shaping Ultrashort Laser Pulses" Brett DePaola (Kansas State University)Wednesday, 17.12.2008 at 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Fluctuation theorem and microreversibility in quantum systems" Pierre Gaspard (Universite Libre de Bruxelles)Wednesday, 14.01.2009 at 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Simulating the Quantum Magnet" Tobias Schaetz (Max-Planck Institut fuer Quantenoptik Muenchen)Wednesday, 21.01.2009 at 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "From few- to many-body physics with ultracold atoms in optical lattices" Stefan Trotzky (Universitaet Mainz)Wednesday, 28.01.2009 at 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics |
Archiv: WS02/03 | SS03 | WS03/04 | SS04 | WS04/05 | SS05 | WS05/06 | SS06 | WS06/07 | SS07 | WS07/08 | SS08 | WS08/09 | SS09 | WS09/10 | SS10 | WS10/11 | SS11 | WS11/12 | SS12 | WS12/13 | SS13 | WS13/14 | SS14 | WS14/15 | SS15 | WS15/16 | SS16 | WS16/17 | SS17 | WS17/18 | SS18 | WS18/19 | SS19 | WS19/20 | SS20 | WS20/21 | SS21 | WS21/22 | SS22 | WS22/23 | SS23 | WS23/24 | SS24 Current Semester: WS24/25 Preview: SS25 |
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