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Particle Colloquium

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Particle Colloquium in Agenda
(with Particle- & Astrophysics Colloquium)

"Neutrino masses and mixing: towards the underlying physics"

Prof. A.Smirnov (International Center for Theoretical Physics Trieste)
Monday, 18.04.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle & Astrophysics Colloquium

"Cryogenic Particle Detection"

Prof. C. Enss (Kirchhoff-Institut fuer Physik der Uni Heidelberg)
Monday, 25.04.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle & Astrophysics Colloquium

"Quark-gluon plasma at SPS/RHIC: experimental discoveries vs the theoretical progress"

Dr. Edward Shuryak (Physics Department, State University of New York)
Monday, 02.05.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle & Astrophysics Colloquium

"Gamma ray astronomy with the MAGIC telescope"

Dr. Florian Goebel (MPI fuer Physik, (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), Muenchen)
Monday, 09.05.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle & Astrophysics Colloquium

"The Cern Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) and the ongoing search for solar axions"

Prof. Konstantin Zioutas (CERN)
Monday, 23.05.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle & Astrophysics Colloquium

"Vector Boson Fusion: Applications and QCD corrections"

Prof. Dieter Zeppenfeld (Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Uni Karlsruhe)
Monday, 30.05.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"Vus measurement at KTeV"

Dr. A. Glazov (DESY Hamburg)
Monday, 06.06.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"The cosmological mode generation problem "

Prof. Jens Niemeyer (Lehrstuhl fuer Astronomie der Universitaet Wuerzburg)
Monday, 13.06.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle & Astrophysics Colloquium

"Physics with the TOTEM detector at the LHC"

Prof. Karsten Eggert (CERN)
Monday, 20.06.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"Two QCD scales of the hadron structure (Search for the clean experimental signature)"

Prof. Bogdan Povh (MPI fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg)
Monday, 27.06.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"First measurement of the rho spectral function in high-energy nuclear collisions "

Dr. Sanja Damjanovic (Physikalisches Institut Heidelberg, NA60 Collaboration)
Monday, 04.07.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"The Puzzle of Galaxy Formation"

Prof. Andreas Burkert (LMU Muenchen, Department fuer Physik)
Monday, 11.07.2005 at 17:30 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle & Astrophysics Colloquium

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